Once we have accepted your order, we will notify you via e-mail and / or telephone. Please note that acceptance of your order
may be delayed for a week or more if you are paying by check or mail order or if we are shipping to an international address.
We will notify you before your skylight has been shipped from our factory and the freight carrier will contact you directly
to schedule a delivery at your site location. e-skylight.com will select a freight carrier and the customer will be responsible for the cost of freight, transportation, handling, demurrage charges and all applicable taxes and duties. If we are shipping to a location within the continental U.S., these costs have already been calculated for you and are included in the final price of the skylight. For all other orders, a customer service representative will contact you directly after determining the applicability and amount of these additional charges based upon your specific shipping destination. You (or your contractor) will be responsible for the off-loading and storage of the skylight when it arrives at your site. We highly recommend that you carefully inspect the skylight for damage and notify the freight carrier and e-skylight.com immediately if any damage has occurred during shipment. Please note that the off-loading and movement of the skylight to a storage or final installation location may require the use of a forklift and / or a portable crane depending upon the weight of the unit and the existing conditions of the job site.